How Long Should I Rest Between Sets?
It’s common knowledge that there are different variables within your workout that affect the overall results of your workout, but many people are unaware that the amount of time you take between sets also affects your workout results. One of the biggest reasons this rest time is important is because the energy used up by [...]How Music Inspires a Better Workout
If you’ve ever been to the gym, you’ll notice that it’s pretty typical for the gym to have music playing over the speakers while you workout. Some people even prefer their own music and typically workout with headphones, but why are we drawn to listen to music when we’re exercising? There have been several studies [...]Top Fitness Trackers – 2019
If you’re looking to buy a fitness tracker then one of the first things you must do is figure out what you’re looking to track. Are you wanting to track your steps? Do you want a heart rate monitor? Do you want it to connect to your phone? Does your ideal fitness tracker also track [...]5 Stretches You Should Do Every Time You Workout
As important as working out and staying active are for your body, making sure it’s nice and stretched out is also crucial.
When to Workout
Whether you choose to conquer your workout before the sun rises or right before bed, the time of day you exercise can have different effects on your body.